Virtual Night Nobbler 2020 (Sold out)

The Big One. The full marathon.
26.2 miles of stunning muddy woodland trails with 3000ft of climbing.


This event will run on the 25th of August 2019.


Out of stock


The marathon takes in the half marathon route and then extends out to Minwear Woods and the surrounding trails, some of which are along a stunning river bank.

We have opened up some old and unused rights of way to give you the chance to run some lesser known trails. You can expect some tough little climbs, some ancient ruins and probably a fair bit of mud!

There are feed stations on the route, they have water and jelly babies!

We welcome all abilities from seasoned speedsters to first timers looking to complete their first trail marathon.

There is a cut-off time at the 11 mile mark of 2 hours 30 and at 22 miles of 5 hours 30.

Mandatory kit

  • A mobile phone - we will ask your number at registration
  • A windproof coat - for an extra layer for warmth

Entry is £26 which includes a frickin awesome finishers medal.

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Postal Entries & Concessions

For information on post entries please view this page.

If you want to raise money for our charities or your own, you can download a sponsor form here.


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Registered charity no. 1182417